Facts to know about Lung Cancer

Facts to know about Lung Cancer


Lung carcinoma, commonly known as lung cancer starts with DNA changes in the lung cells. Gene mutations cause lung cells to develop abnormally and multiply rapidly. Lung cancer in its advanced stage can spread to other parts of the body.

While smoking is the most prominent cause of lung cancer, non-smokers also get this disease. With cigarette smoking, one increases the risk of cancer for not only oneself but also others through second-hand exposure. You might schedule an appointment with the best cancer specialist in Siliguri for lung cancer assessment, and treatment.

Regular contact with secondhand smoke can affect not only your lungs but also your overall health. Ask for medical attention to quit smoking and prevent complications of smoking (smoking cessation treatment).

Treatment of lung cancer includes surgery that removes the cancerous tumor, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted drugs, immunotherapy, palliative care, etc. Early detection of lung cancer and medical treatment ensures more promising health outturns. Get compressive assistance from the top oncologists in Siliguri.

This blog shares some important facts about lung cancer

FACT: Survival rates of lung cancer are improving

Lung cancer is one of the major diseases that cause cancer deaths among both women and men. According to WHO, lung cancer has caused 1.80 million deaths worldwide.

Survival for all stages of lung cancer is around 20%. Just 26% of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage. About 44% of lung cancer cases are diagnosed in the advanced stage when the survival rate is just 7%. Advancements in lung cancer treatment bring more hope. The survival rate has increased from 21% to 25% over the five years.

FACT: There are multiple risk factors for lung cancer – not just tobacco smoking

When tobacco smoking accounts for over 80% of lung cancer, a number of factors contribute to lung cancer development through changes in lung cell DNA, including:

  • Exposure to radon gas
  • Family history of lung cancer
  • Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6 deficiency
  • Long-term exposure to asbestos
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke, nickel, arsenic, chromium, etc.

FACT: Lung cancer screening and development in research can save lives

The main advantage of lung cancer screening is preventing the risk of death from lung cancer. About over half of lung cancer diagnosed at early stages has the potential to cure or heal. Consult the top cancer specialist in Siliguri for lung cancer recovery and effective management.

Screening has been shown to improve lung cancer survival rates. Early ruling out by low-dose CT screening can reduce mortality by over 20%. Besides that, research in new drugs and treatment inventions that can improve survival rates of lung cancer is ongoing.

FACT: There are several treatment options available for lung cancer

Treatment for lung cancer varies depending on the type, extremity, location, and stage of the disease. Effective medical care options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, palliative care, etc. Reach out to the best lung cancer hospital in Siliguri North Bengal.

Radiation therapy may be used after surgery or before surgery in combination with chemotherapy. Treatment plans don’t remain the same for every patient, personalized to meet unique health requirements to accelerate healing and survival rates of lung cancer. Speak to your cancer specialist today.


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