Blood Cancer Exploring Treatment Options

Blood Cancer Exploring Treatment Options


Blood cancer is one of the frequent cancer types affecting how blood cells form and function. The treatment your doctor plans to treat blood cancer depends on various factors. These include the type of blood cancer, cancer spread/stage, age, and overall health of the patient.

Effective cancer therapy and early diagnosis can serve the best possible health outcomes. For blood cancer treatment in Siliguri, visit the top cancer hospital in town. Doctors focus on personalized medical care so that patients get treatment exactly their health needs.

This blog shares effective treatment options for blood cancer.

Treatment Options


Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells effectively, considered a primary care for blood cancer. This cancer therapy can slow down blood cancer progress, remove the cancer, or prevent cancer return. One can receive chemo orally or intravenously advised by the cancer expert. Its dosage and duration will vary.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is an effective blood cancer treatment that uses high-energy rays to target and kill cancer cells in the blood. To treat blood cancer, doctors often use radiation therapy in combination with other cancer treatments. It destroys abnormal cells in the blood to prevent cancer formation.

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy in blood cancer treatment focuses on specific molecules in cancer growth, survival, and spread. In targeted therapy, oncologists use drugs or other substances to target and attack some types of cancer cells in the blood with accuracy. A doctor may use targeted therapy in combination with radiation therapy or chemo. You may visit the best cancer hospital in Siliguri for blood cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy, enables the body’s own immune system to fight blood cancer. This therapy includes treatments like CAR T-cell (chimeric antigen receptor) therapy, where a patient's T-cells are modified to slow, stop, or destroy blood cancer cells. It can help patients with acute leukaemia, lymphoma, etc.

Bone Marrow Transplant

Autologous Stem Cell Transplant

Cancer specialists can collect and store bone marrow stem cells before they start with high doses of chemotherapy. After chemotherapy treatment, doctors will replace the stored stem cells. Autologous stem cell implants help patients keep from the side effects of chemodrugs.

Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant

In some cases, patients need or consider bone marrow replacement because of bone marrow damage. Replacement of their damaged bone marrow with healthy functioning bone marrow can treat cancer. Here, the patient needs a suitable bone marrow donor. Receive advanced blood cancer treatment in Siliguri at the best cancer hospital in the region.

This is an effective treatment with several risks, such as Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This medical condition happens if the donor’s immune system reacts against the recipient’s tissue. The common locations for Graft-versus-host disease are the skin, GI system, liver, and lungs.

Other complications may include respiratory distress, fluid buildup, low platelets, infections, pain due to mouth sores, GI tract irritations, etc. However, bone marrow transplant is effective for patients with:

·       Lymphoma

·       Leukaemia

·       Multiple Myeloma

Clinical Trials

Patients with blood cancer may have the option to participate in clinical trials, which are basically experiments with new drugs, treatments, and diagnoses.  While clinical trials can surprisingly improve health, these are not free of risks.

Doctors will help understand the entire process in easy words. Before you consider a clinical trial, understanding its side effects or complications is vital.

Cancer treatment can cause side effects such as fatigue, nausea, low appetite, weakness, weight loss, hair loss, etc. To manage all these side effects, cancer doctors provide strategies and supportive care. These are mostly medications, lifestyle changes, nutrition advice, and therapies. You can visit one of the top blood cancer treatment centers in Siliguri.

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